Dragii mei, astazi este o z foarte importanta, semnalata de Calendarul mayas ca UN NOU INCEPUT. Maine voi trimite un alt material, cu explicatii mai detaliate, dar acum va trimit acest text care descrie momentul de azi si maine. Va rog sa va ganditi cu atentie la ceea ce se intampla si ce avem de facut in aceste zile minunate, care ne deschid noi orizonturi si o noua viata. Cu drag, Monica
ii multumim Anei Nicolai pentru efortul de a atraduce acest anunt, in timp real, pentru ca sa putem beneficia cu totii.



[* Este un fapt traditional sa se atribuie nume speciale fiecarei Luni Pline din an, chiar daca regula de  determinare a numelui ce va fi atribuit s-a schimbat de-a lungul timpului (de ex., Luna albastra). O metoda straveche de atribuire a numelor se bazeaza pe anotimpurile si patrarele anului. Numele de Luna Rosie este unul dintre numele atribuite in aceasta perioada din an. (N.tr.)]
Statiunea Mount Shasta: Mount Shasta, California
24 – 29 mai 2010 ( In Romania, Luna Plina: vineri, 28 mai, orele 02:07)

(Include Retreatul Special Sean David Morton "Drumul catre 2012": 24 – 26 mai)

“Acesta este momentul in care, pentru prima oara, aflandu-ne in echilibrul adus de Ciclul Galactic, vom incepe sa sesizam constiinta supra-mentala pe care o va aduce Ciclul Universal. Pentru toti aceia care cauta sa faca parte din noua specie de fiinte umane inzestrate cu o constiinta nelimitata, acesta este momentul pentru a integra energiile noi ale universalitatii.”

—Carl Johan Calleman, autorul cartii: Calendarul mayas si transformarea constiintei [carte aparuta la Editura For You]
Luna Rosie Plina Planetara

In momentul de Luna Rosie Plina Planetara, din 27 mai 2010 (28 mai ora Romaniei), va fi revarsat un uimitor torent de FORTE INTENSE. Un PULS COSMIC de PERFECTIUNE, PRODUCERE si MATERIALIZARE a tuturor lucrurilor la care ati spera si pe care vi le-ati dori! Acesta este INCEPUTUL ENERGIILOR UNIVERSALE, ce se vor intensifica pana la Convergenta Constientei, din 17-18 iulie 2010.  Luna Plina din mai corespunde cu “TONALITATEA 10 a PULSULUI PLANETAR” si reprezinta principiul ce permite producerea materializarii, intemeiat pe coerenta celor 9 numere anterioare.

La LUNA PLANETARA ROSIE din 28 mai, esenta Divina se contopeste cu cea fizica. Cerul atinge Pamantul; spiritul si materia SE UNESC! Implinirea potentialului creativ este ceva inerent naturii noastre, aducandu-ne profunzime, abundenta si sens in viata. Intreaga lume fizica reprezinta imaginatie transpusa in viata!

Aceasta vibratie Planetara ne semnaleaza sa luam in considerare lucrurile pe care le producem in viata noastra si mijloacele prin care o facem. Cum ne materializam visurile? Dam viata idealurilor noastre? Tot ceea ce aducem acestei lumi — gandurile, cuvintele si faptele noastre — contribuie la echilibrul Planetar.

Aceasta frecventa Planetara declara: Atunci cand nu mai judecam, exista doar perfectiune! Ca sa dobanditi productivitate maxima: nazuiti din toata inima sa desavarsiti tot ceea ce realizati, insa acceptati totodata faptul ca deja exista o perfectiune inerenta in tot ce se manifesta, asa cum esteea, pur si simplu deoarece este evidenta. Incercarea de a fi exagerat de perfectionisti este, de fapt, un lucru contraproductiv. Mai degraba, ingaduiti procesul de aspiratie continua catre perfectiune. Haideti sa ne delectam cu tot ce avem de adus acestei planete si sa ne bucuram de tot ce ne aduce aceasta planeta.

Simbolul pentru LUNA ROSIE din 28 MAI 2010 apare asemenea unui SEMNAL LUMINOS; un portal ce ne invita la RE-AMINTIREA DE SINE, a cine suntem noi, in puritatea noastra. Luna Rosie este un mesager al oportunitatii mereu prezente, de a ne reinnoi fiinta; de a intineri; de a ne curata, astfel incat sa ne eliberam de toxine, falsitati, distorsiuni si de energii care nu ne mai slujesc; de a ne cizela ca fiinte curate; de a restabili sanatatea si starea de bine. Poate ca cele mai puternice forte de purificare si iertare sunt:recunoasterea totalitatii experientei noastre omenesti, ca pe un dar Divin si reamintirea faptului ca suntem cursanti inocenti ai vietii, drept care, invatam continuu.

Puterea APEI UNIVERSALE ne invita sa ne cerem fluiditatea, adaptabilitatea, vioiciunea si capacitatea de a schimba starile. FLUIDITATEA ne aminteste despre legea impermanentei, care spune ca schimbarea este singura constanta din viata. Aflati intr-un proces de continua eliberare si reinnorire, ne miscam ciclic, in sincronicitate cu ritmurile naturii. Daca ne impotrivim cursului vietii in tiparele ei, ca si caracterului imprevizibil al acesteia, ne-am putea confrunta cu stresul sau lupta, lipsite de sacralitate, sau am putea rata oportunitatile nou venite, ce apar de la sine. Nu putem controla fluxul vietii, asadar este intelept sa cedam in fata fortei circumstantelor ce apar in mod natural.

Apa este componenta cea mai extinsa de pe planeta noastra, Pamantul si din corpul nostru! LUNA ROSIE aduce indemnul: hidratati-va celulele, imbaiati-va corpul, lasati-va lacrimile sa curga, revendicati- va sfintenia, mergeti dusi de curentul sufletului vostru si sarbatoriti toate formele de manifestare, minunate si variate, ale apei, ale luminii lunii, oceanelor, norilor si averselor de ploaie. Fie ca noi sa cinstim aceasta resursa pretioasa.

COSMO-GENEZA ARMONICA din 24-29 mai 2010 incepe numaratoarea inversa cosmica a anului 2012, an ce marcheaza o incheiere si un nou inceput al ciclurilor social, politic, economic si geologic, pentru intreaga lume. PROFETIA VIE pe care o strabatem in prezent are atribuite multe nume, dupa cum a fost prezisa de nenumarate culturi si religii. Nativii americani Hopi spun ca incheiem cea de-a 4-a Lume, a Distrugerii si ne pregatim sa intram in cea de-a 5-a Lume, a pacii. Mayasii Qui’che declara ca in data de 21 decembrie 2012 intram in cea de-a 5-a Epoca a Lumii – Epoca Centrului. Toate temele colective din campul profetiei, pe care le procesam si le purificam de toate dezechilibrele epocii mondiale ce se stinge.

Tranzitam o epoca intemeiata pe dualitate si indepartare de Marele SPIRIT, ce a dus la lacomie, coruptie, materialism necontrolat si ruperea legaturii cu Mama Pamant. La nivel colectiv, suntem in echilibru la un pas de Renasterea unei Epoci Mondiale, in care patrundem in noi sfere ale constiintei si materializarii, mantuind epocile anterioare.

Intram in cea de-a doua decada de viata a secolului al XXI-lea, la limita haosului, intre un viitor sigur si nesigur, care este un loc palpitant in care sa te afli, insa plin de neliniste si instabilitate. Aceasta este vremea in care o noua ordine este conceputa, informatii noi sunt create, iar schimbarea accelerata este evenimentul principal din viata noastra cotidiana. Alaturati-va unora dintre cei mai importanti instructori spirituali, care descriu viziunile lor cu privire la ce trebuie sa vina si modul in care noi suntem viitorul, noi suntem eroii, modul in care venirea noastra a fost prezisa de mii de ani si faptul ca NOI SUNTEM ACEIA PE CARE I-AM ASTEPTAT !!!

Iata si linkul la acest mesaj, unde puteti sa-i vedeti si pe Jasmuheen si Erik Berglund, care iau parte la acest eveniment extrem de important.

A Celebration of the RED PLANETARY FULL MOON
Mount Shasta Resort: Mount Shasta, California
May 24 to 29, 2010 (Full Moon on May 27)
(Includes Special Sean David Morton "Road to 2012" Retreat: May 24 to 26)

“This is when, for the first time, standing on the balance that the Galactic Underworld has brought, we will begin to sense the supramental consciousness that the Universal Underworld will bring. For all those seeking to become part of the new species of human beings endowed with an unlimited consciousness, this is a time to absorb the new energies of universality.”
—Carl Johan Calleman, author: The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness
The Full Red Planetary Moon
On the Full Red Planetary Moon of May 27, 2010, a torrent of remarkably POWERFUL FORCES will be unleashed. A COSMIC PULSE of PERFECTION, PRODUCTION and MANIFESTATION for all you could hope for and desire! This is the START of the UNIVERSAL ENERGIES that will build to the Conscious Convergence of July 17-18, 2010.  The May full moon corresponds to “TONE 10 of the PLANETARY PULSE” and represents the principle allowing manifestation to occur, based on the coherence of the preceding 9 numbers.
On the RED PLANETARY MOON on May 27, Divine essence and the physical meet as one. The heavens touch the Earth; spirit and matter UNITE! The actualization of creative potential is at the heart of our nature, bringing depth, richness and importance to our lives. The entire manifest world is imagination brought to life!
This Planetary vibration cues us to consider what we are producing in our lives, and by what means. How are we manifesting our dreams? Are we incarnating our ideals? All that we bring to this world—our thoughts, words and deeds—contribute to the Planetary equation.
This Planetary frequency directs: Without judgment there is only perfection! To achieve maximum productivity: strive wholeheartedly to perfect all that you endeavor, yet also accept that there is an already existing, inherent perfection in all that is manifest, as it is, simply because it is manifest. Attempting to be overly perfectionist is actually counter-productive. Rather, allow perfection to be a continual process of aspiration. Let us delight in all that we have to bring to this planet, and enjoy all that this planet brings us.
The symbol for the RED MOON on MAY 27, 2010, appears like a BEACON; a portal inviting us into SELF-REMEMBRANCE of who we are in our purity. Red Moon is a messenger of the ever-present opportunity to renew one’s being; to rejuvenate; to cleanse ourselves that we may be free of toxins, falsehoods, distortions and dis-serving energies; to refine ourselves as clear vessels; to restore health and well being. Perhaps the strongest forces of purification and forgiveness- --acknowledging the totality of our human experience as a divine gift and remembering we are ever learning, innocent students of life.
The power of UNIVERSAL WATER invites us to call upon our fluidity, adaptability, resilience and ability to change states. FLOW reminds us of the law of impermanence, asserting that change is the only constant in life. In a continual process of release and renewal, we cycle in phase with nature’s rhythms. If we are resistant to the flow of life in its patterns as well as its unpredictability, we may encounter unsacred stress or struggle, or overlook fresh opportunities presenting themselves. We can’t control the river of life, therefore its wise to yield to the momentum of the naturally arising circumstances.
Water is the largest component of our planet Earth and our human bodies! RED MOON advocates: hydrate you cells, bathe your bodies, cry your tears, claim your sanctity, go with the flow of your soul and celebrate all the wonderful and various manifestations of water, moonlight, oceans, clouds and rainstorms. May we honor this precious resource.
The HARMONIC COSMO-GENESIS of MAY 24-29, 2010 begins a cosmic countdown to the year 2012 that brings an ending and a new beginning to social, political, economic and geological cycles for America and the World. The LIVING PROPHECY that we are now voyaging through has many names ascribed to it, as it has been foretold by countless cultures and religions. The Hopi say we’re closing the 4th World of Destruction, preparing to begin the 5th World of peace. The Qui’che Maya declare that on December 21, 2012 we enter the 5th World Age - The Age of the Center. All common themes in the array of prophecy that we are processing and purifying all the imbalances of the dying world age.
We are transiting an era founded on duality and the turning away from the Great SPIRIT, resulting in greed, corruption, blind materialism and disconnection from Mother Earth. Collectively, we are poised at the brink of a World Age Rebirth, in which we enter new domains of consciousness and manifestation, redeeming the previous ages.
We entering the second decade of the 21st Century live at the edge of chaos, between a certain and uncertain future, which is an exciting place to be but anxious and unstable. This is the time when a new order is devised, new information is created and accelerated change is the main fact of our daily lives. Join some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers as they describe their visions of what is to come, and how we are the future, we are the heroes, how our coming has been prophesied for thousands of years and that WE ARE WHO WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!


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