Paulo Coelho -A Christmas Tale si traiti clipa de acum

A Christmas Story
According to an old and well-known legend, a
week before Christmas, Archangel Michael asked
his angels to visit the earth. He wanted to
know if everything was ready for the
celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. He
sent them in pairs, always an older angel
accompanying a younger one, so that they could
have a broader picture of what happened in
One of these pairs was assigned to Brazil,
where they arrived late one night. Since they
had nowhere to sleep, they took shelter in one
of the great mansions that can be seen in
certain parts of Rio de Janeiro.
The owner, a nobleman on the verge of
bankruptcy (which, incidentally, happens to
many people in that city), was a fervent
Catholic, and soon recognized the heavenly
pair by the golden halos on their head.
However, he was too busy preparing a big
Christmas, and so as not to disturb the
completed decorations, he requested that his
heavenly guests to sleep in the basement.
Although Greetings cards are always
illustrated with snow falling, Christmas falls
in the middle of summer in Brazil, the sun was
scorching hot and the air, full of moisture,
it was almost suffocating. The angels laid
down on a hard floor, but before starting
their prayers, the older angel noticed a crack
in the wall. He got up, repaired it using his
divine powers, and returned to his evening
prayers. The two felt as though they had spent
the night in hell, it was so hot.
They slept very poorly, but they needed to
fulfill the mission entrusted to them by God.
The next day, they went through the big city,
with its 12 million inhabitants, its beaches
and mountains, its contrasts, its beautiful
landscapes and its horrible places. They
completed their reports, and when night fell
back they began to travel into the country.
But, distracted by the difference in hours,
they again found themselves with no place to
They knocked on the door of a humble home,
where a couple came to meet them. Lacking
access to medieval engravings that portrayed
the messengers of God, the couple did not
recognize the two pilgrims, but told the
angels that if they were in need of shelter,
the house was theirs. They prepared a dinner,
presented their little newborn baby and
offered his room to the angels. They
apologized that they were poor and that while
the heat was great during the day, they had no
money to buy an air conditioner.
When the angels awoke the next day they found
the couple in tears. Their only possession, a
cow that gave milk for cheese, and support for
the family, was found dead in their field.
They quickly parted with the pilgrims,
embarrassed because they could not prepare a
While walking through the mud road, the
younger angel showed his anger, “I can not
understand this way of doing things! The first
man had everything he needed, and yet you
helped him by repairing his wall. Then with
this poor couple, who received us so well and
kindly, you did nothing to alleviate their
“Things are not what they seem,” said the
older angel, “when we were in that awful
basement, I noticed there was plenty of gold
hidden in the wall of the mansion, left there
by a previous owner. The crack was exposing
the treasure, and I decided to hide it again,
because the landlord did not help those in
need. Yesterday, while we slept in the bed the
poor couple offered, I noticed that a third
guest had arrived, the angel of death. He had
been sent to take the child, but since I've
known him for many years, I convinced him to
take the life of the cow in its place."
Remember the day that is about to be
celebrated; since people didn’t give much
value to appearance, no one wanted to take
Mary in. But the pastors welcomed her, and
because of that, they had the grace to be the
first to behold the smile of the Savior of the

Si pentru ca nu stiu daca voi mai putea sa intru curand pe net dar poate da ,pana atunci va spun din toata inima Craciun Fericit ,pace lumina si bucurie dragii mei cititori ,prietenii mei de departe si pentru ca azi m-am trezit in cap cu o cugetare -traieste clipa si pentru ca seara mi-am incheiat-o tot cu acest indemn, pentru ca absolut sincronistic am revazt K-PAX si mi-am amintit de pasarea albastra va rog si pe voi sa revedeti aceasta bijuterie de film .Pana atunci traiti-va clipa de acum nu asteptati cine stie ce ca sa fiti fericiti ,eu asa am facut azi si am avut cel putin 3 momente magice .Si asa cum zice finalul filmului va zic si eu - traiti momentul de acum ,nu stii cand se contracta sau dilata universul !fiti atenti la ce alegeti acum .
Craciun Fericit ,sanatate si iubire tuturor din preaplinul inimii mele va doresc !
ps -ati obsevat ce spectacole ceresti ne-a oferit luna zilele astea ? minunatii ce mai !
Din livada de la munte de miracole va imbratisez pe toti .


Anonim a spus…

(un mesaj de la Scott Rabalais)

Rabdarea este buna. Sincronicitatea este si mai buna. Rabdarea este definita de puterea de a astepta fara frustrari. Este actiunea de a da timp pentru ca ceea ce este asteptat, sa se produca. Este speranta lucrurilor care vor veni. Observati ca rebdarea implica jocul asteptarii, adica ''eu nu am acum, dar cu timpul voi avea''. De exemplu, sa presupunem ca aveti planuri sa lucrati in gradina in aceasta dimineata. In mod intempestiv se isca o furtuna care va impiedica sa intrati in gradina pentru a executa o lucrare pe care va-ti
programat-o. Veti gandi : ''voi avea rabdare sa treaca furtuna si, cand conditiile vor redeveni favorabile, voi actiona’’. Pana atunci veti astepta sau veti face altceva. O asteptare prelungita va va putea crea un disconfort, o oarecare ingrijorare. Asta ar fi ASTEPTAREA.

SINCRONICITATEA este diferita; ea nu cunoaste asteptarea. Ea iti ofera un moment, o ocazie completa de realizare exact atunci cand ti-ai propus o actiune. Ea se manifesta la timpul si in locul perfect alese pentru ca actiunea dorita sa se produca in cele mai perfecte conditii. Cel calificat sa traiasca in sincronicitate, nu va fi surprins de ploaie exact cand avea de gand sa mearga in gradina pentru a executa o lucrare. Fara sa vrea, el isi va corela si programa munca in gradina exact atunci cand vremea ii va fi foarte favorabila.
Anonim a spus…
Cand ploaia a sosit, incurcandu-va planurile, nu incercati sa intrati, totusi, in gradina si nu va inciudati pentru aparitia ei ; ganditi cu bucurie ca aceasta manifestare a naturii va fi binevenita pentru culturi si va ofera prilejul sa continuati (de ex.) lectura unei carti incepute. In plus, puteti admira cum picaturile de ploaie (sau suvoaiele) invioreaza natura si spala pamantul. Deci, decat sa va concentrati pe ceea ce s-ar fi putut face, concentrati-va pe ceea ce este in acel moment si pe ceea ce vi se ofera independent de planurile sau dorintele voastre. Din punctul de vedere al constiintei separarii, rabdarea este cea care umple abisul timpului.

Din perspectiva lui Acum, eu proiectez ca doresc ca ceva sa se intample, ceva care acum se afla situat in viitor. Exista un abis-intre prezent si viitor. Aceasta este ''realitatea'' timpului pe care noi il cream in mintea noastra, si totusi timpul nu este real. Mai bine zis, este real doar pentru ca noi il construim in constiinta noastra, a separarii.

Sincronicitatea functioneaza numai si numai in Acum. Ea este consecinta acceptarii totale si a permiterii curgerii energiei vietii. Sincronicitatea se naste doar din linistea mintii, in alinierea noastra cu Universul care ne materializeaza gandurile si dorintele. Cand renuntam la gandire, ceea ce se afla dincolo de gand capata permisiunea sa se manifeste in experienta noastra. Calitatea divina a unei asemenea manifestari este Perfectiunea si se numeste Sincronicitate. Sincronicitatea este esenta constiintei unitatii, o calitate a curgerii naturale a vietii. Floarea infloreste in sincronicitate perfecta cu elementele naturale ale soarelui, apei, vantului si solului. Ea nu spera sa infloreasca iarna si nici nu are planuri sa infloreasca in lunile friguroase. Ea traieste intr-o relatie de sincronicitate cu toate elementele naturii si creste atunci cand este cel mai bine pentru ea si cand este total sustinuta de elemente. Ea infloreste la timpul perfect, in armonie cu tot ceea ce o inconjoara si relationeaza cu TOTUL.

Rabdarea inseamna asteptare. Cum ati putea fi completi daca asteptati ceea ce nu este evident? Chiar si asteptarea rabdatoare este tot asteptare. Ca un pasager in statie care isi asteapta trenul, scrutand mereu orizontul pentru a-i abserva aparitia. El priveste constant shinele, este nerabdator si doreste ceea ce inca nu se afla in campul sau vizual. In loc sa faca asta, el ar putea sa stea pe o banca, sa se bucure de frumusetea peisajului, a florilor din glastre etc. Si, in timp ce se bucura de ceea ce-i ofera viata, trenul va aparea in realitate lui. In acel moment, si numai atunci, el isi va aduce in Acum constientza sosirii trenului.

Sincronicitatea este un dar al universului, disponibil pentru a fi folosit in fiecare moment. Se afla in muzica subtila si tandra a existentei pe care o putem auzi doar daca o ascultam. Daca navigam prin zgomotele mintii, vom fi incapabili sa manifestam curgerea armonioasa a sincronicitatii din constiinta unitatii. Dansul nostru cu aceasta curgere sincronicizata este extazul experientei infaptuita in momentu de ACUM. Este dansul sincronizat si fara efort al sinelui cu Universul.



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